Pure storage volume allocation to ESX cluster

Pure storage volume allocation to ESX cluster procedure

  • ESX hosts WWPNs
  • Capacity requirement
Pre checks
  • Available free space in pure
  • Host connection status

Please make sure zoning is done between the ESX host and the pure device.
Follow the below links to complete zoning.
Zoning in Brocade switch
Zoning in Cisco MDS SAN switches


Create a hostname for each ESX host

purehost create --wwnlist XX:00:00:XX:b5:bb:XX:93,XX:00:00:XX:b5:bb:XX:92 host_name
purehost create --wwnlist XX:00:00:XX:b5:bb:XX:95,XX:00:00:XX:b5:bb:XX:94 host_name1
purehost create --wwnlist XX:00:00:XX:b5:bb:XX:97,XX:00:00:XX:b5:bb:XX:95 host_name2

Set host type (Example: solaris/linux/windows/ESXi)

purehost setattr --personality "ESXi" host_name

Create a host group.

purehgroup create ESX_cluster_name --hostlist host_name,host_name1,host_name2

Create a new volume.

purevol create --size 2T volume_name

Connect volume to host group

purehgroup connect --vol volume_name host_name

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