Pure storage commands
Pure storage array CLI commands
- To display the array name, serial no, and firmware version details
purearray list
- To list all the controllers connected to the Pure array. Also displays the model, status & firmware details of each controller.
purearray list --controller
- To display remotely connected arrays.
purearray list --connect
- To display configured NTP server to sync system time
purearray list --ntpserver
- To display the capacity usage information of the Pure device.
purearray list --space
purealert commands
- To list all the active alerts in the Pure device.
purealert list
- To list all the alerts with severity: critical
purealert list --filter "severity='critical'"
puredrive commands
- To list all the flash disks in the device. This will also display the capacity of each flash module.
puredrive list
- To list all flash disks with total capacity
puredrive list --total
- To display information about specific flash drive (CH1 & BAY5 is mentioned as an example)
puredrive list CH1.BAY5
- To admit unadmitted flash drives.
puredrive admit
purehgroup commands
- To create a host group
purehgroup create HGROUP_NAME --hostlist HOST_NAME_1,HOST_NAME_2
- To list all host groups
purehgroup list
- To list all host groups with connected volumes
purehgroup list --connect
- To list connected volumes to the host group HG01 (HG01 is mentioned as an example)
purehgroup list --connect HG01
- To list all the hostgroups with the total capacity of connected volumes
purehgroup list --space
purehost commands
- To list all hosts
purehost list
- To list all hosts with connected volumes
purehost list --connect
- To list connected volumes to the host HOST01 (HOST01 is mentioned as an example)
purehost list --connect HOST01
- To create a new host name
purehost create --wwnlist 10:20:00:00:fa:00:b7:00,10:20:00:00:fa:00:b7:00 HOST_NAME
- To set operating system name for a host
purehost setattr --personality "solaris" host
- To map/connect the volume to host
purehost connect --vol VOLUME_NAME HOST_NAME
- To unmap/disconnect the volume to host
purehost disconnect --vol VOLUME_NAME HOST_NAME
purehw commands
- To list hardware components
purehw list
- To list hardware components with part number and serial number
purehw list --spec
- To list all the drive modules with part number & serial number
purehw list --type bay --spec
pureport commands
- To display all the target ports within the device.
pureport list
- To list all the host initiator WWNs & IQNs.
pureport list --initiator
purevol commands
- To create a new volume
purevol create --size 200GB VOLUME_NAME
- To list all virtual volumes
purevol list
- To create a snap for a volume
purevol snap --suffix suffix VOLUME_NAME
- To list all snaps
purevol list --snap
- To clone a volume snap to new volume
purevol copy --overwrite VOLUME_NAME.suffix NEW_VOLUME_NAME
- To list all virtual volumes with size
purevol list --space
- To delete a volume
purevol destroy VOLUME_NAME
- To increase/decrease the size of pure volume
purevol setattr VOLUNME_NAME --size SIZE
Informative commands